Welcome to the Money Magic Podcast with Vangile Makwakwa, this is the podcast where we talk about trauma and how it affects our finances and our lives. The intention with this podcast is to provide you with weekly episodes that help you understand the importance of healing and help you understand your relationship with money better so you can start making different financial decisions and creating a life you love for yourself and future generations.

Thursday May 26, 2022
Episode 69: How to hold yourself through expansion triggers
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
In the previous episode, I spoke about what happens when expansion is the trigger.
In this podcast I share exercises you can do when you are triggered by expansion. These exercises are very simple, but they are life-changing because they shed so much light by helping you understand what is actually going on.
Most of us approach money with a lot of heaviness. We look at what everyone is doing, and we employ the same business strategy, and it doesn’t work for us. The problem is not the strategy, but emotionally, we find ways to block and sabotage our income goals because we don’t feel safe expanding or making more money.
We all have different backgrounds, different ancestral stories, and have been brought up differently, and we can’t compare ourselves with others, so what triggers one person, may bot trigger another person in the same way.
Join the conversation with me, your host, Vangile Makwakwa, as I share how to deal with expansion and visibility fears.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about:
[02:04] Introduction to the show
[03:40] Today’s focus: Dealing with expansion and visibility issues
[06:40] You can energetically want or stop your income goals
[08:27] How we sabotage and blow out our income goals despite having a working strategy
[11:48] The analogy of I Blew It Show on trauma and emotion around money
[13:00] What happens when we manifest the money we want with unhealed traumas
[17:11] Losing your sense of self and getting hijacked by the sub-personalities
[22:23] Emotional intelligence and how we react from a hypermasculine and wounded place
[25:05] Changing your behavior and sub-personalities from the inside out
[25:57] My trauma experience and how it impacted my career and business life
[30:12] We have different ancestral stories, and they shape who we are and our traumas
[32:33] Doing the inner work and going deeper into your psyche to change the game
[34:04] Master class: The Seven Emotions That Hold Us Back From Saving, Investing, and Increasing Income
[37:10] Parenting and acknowledging our own fears and emotional states
[39:11] Ending the show and call to actions
Notable Quotes
- It’s absolutely possible to want something and energetically block it.
- We try to get rid of something when we don’t feel safe with it
- Changing our behavior is always from the inside out
- Our progress is completely dependent on our thinking process, traumas, and ancestral stories.
- It’s the things that we don’t know that hold us back
- The brain is hardwired to notice fear because the feeling of fear is what kept our ancestors alive
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/

Thursday May 19, 2022
Episode 68: What happens when expansion is the trigger
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
In this week’s podcast, I talk about how the very idea of expansion can be a trigger for us and can actually cause us to shut down.
The fear of expanding beyond our family and community is a common fear. Most of us have a sense of dread about this, and the reasons behind this go back to our childhood experiences. To some of us, it comes as fear of rejection and being othered when we expand beyond our tribe, and to some of us, it can feel like our expansion is a betrayal and we are abandoning our families which can prevent us from connecting with our income goals.
Expansion, especially in collective cultures, can often trigger family dynamics and sibling rivalry, leading to resentment and anger within the family unit, thus creating a barrier to moving forward and keeping you stuck in the past. The fear of expanding is rooted in trauma.
Join the conversation with your host Vangile Makwakwa as she shares more about expansions, family dynamics, and the concept of generation wealth. She also shares her childhood trauma that makes it unsafe for her to achieve and expand beyond her mother, how it has played out in her life, and her inner work toward healing.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about;
[00:01] Introduction to the show
[03:32] Today’s focus: Expansion and family dynamics and creating generational wealth
[04:42] How to set income goals that connect with your body
[08:32] Vangile’s breakthrough from her inner work in reaching her income goal
[10:07] Feeling into your body and your income goals
[11:30] Vangile’s experience with her new income goals and trauma triggers
[17:34] How fear holds us back and Vangile’s trauma experiences growing up
[25:15] How expansions lead to family dynamics and sibling rivalry
[26:57] Inner child and teen triggers’ control over expansion
[28:11] It’s not safe to expand beyond my mother
[37:32] How the fear of achieving more has played out in her life
[44:18] The fear of leaving the village
[45:41] How to join the wealthy money magic course
[47:22] Why we tend to attract the mirrors of what we don’t heal
[49:39] Expansion that feels like a betrayal to the very people we love
[51:03] Join the Wealthy Money master class; Emotional Intelligence Around Money
[52:54] Ending the show and call to actions
Notable Quotes
- The body never lies, you can create goals, but it all comes down to the body.
- As you work through your beliefs, the way you respond to situations starts to shift.
- The role of fear and anxiety is to keep you stuck
- Awareness and healing are two different concepts
- We tend to attract the mirrors of the traumas that we don't heal.
- Healing on vast levels leads to the most incredible insights and life changes.
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/

Friday May 13, 2022
Episode 67: Why there is no formula to healing trauma
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
In last week’s podcast episode, I spoke about the fear of not having enough and running out of money. This week I share a podcast episode I did a while back when I was in Sri Lanka on why we do the inner work and why there’s no formula to healing.
Even though I don’t mention it in this podcast, I do believe resting and taking days off to focus on pleasure and taking time off for integration is part of doing the inner work.
In this podcast I talk about why healing has no formula and why what works for one person on their healing journey, may not work for the next person, even if they are from the same family and have similar experiences. I also explain why money isn’t just about good thoughts and having great energy but is also about the practical things and making sure that you’re taking aligned action and why you need to be actively involved in your own healing.
Join me, your host Vangile Makwakwa, as I unpack why everyone’s healing journey looks different and why this needs to be honored. This episode will shed light for you if you've been following all the people and doing all the things and not seeing a shift.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about;
[00:01] Introduction to the show
[02:06] Vangile in Sri Lanka and talking about yoga
[04:00] Today’s topic: Why we do the inner work and why we do it daily
[05:00] The difference between healing and intellectual pursuits
[06:51] There is no one size fits all in healing
[09:09] There’s no such thing as a formula when it comes to healing trauma
[10:37] Think about this in terms of weight loss
[13:01] You need to be actively involved in changing your behavior
[15:52] There needs to be some kind of practicality
[17:11] We also need to help the universe a little
[19:00] Money is not purely mystical
[19:51] This is how we create #MoneyMagic
[21:00] What works for you, may not work for someone else
[24:34] Podcast ending
Notable Quotes
- When we talk about doing the deep inner healing and work, we are talking about going into the trauma itself, going into your body, sitting with that and healing
- There’s no such thing as a formula when it comes to healing trauma
- You’ve lived years of your life reacting in the same manner, having the same issues, the same dramas around money and you think reacting the same way for the last 20 years, that you’re going to incidentally clear that in 5 minutes
- What often happens is that the expansion itself gives birth to another limit we’ve got, it brings up other limiting beliefs we’ve got
- Money is just a spiritual or mental thing, it’s also an earthly thing
- What are you doing today to make sure that tomorrow your finances have changed
- You are part of this creation process. You have to show up for your own healing.
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vangilemakwakwa/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/wealthymoney1

Thursday May 05, 2022
Episode 66: The Fear of Not Having Enough And Running Out of Money
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
In last week’s podcast episode, I spoke about the fear of spending money. In this week’s episode I talk about the fear of not having enough and running out of money, which is a towering issue for many people in this fast-paced world.
Some of us have tried affirmations to make ourselves feel better about our finances, but that doesn’t work because affirmations only affirm what you already know and what your subconscious mind can see, not the underlying things we don't see. On the other hand, most of us have clung to making more money, and we end up becoming frustrated because it's not the solution either. Who wants to work and never feel like they have enough money. It’s like being cheated around money. So, how do we heal from the fears and panic that come from the thought of not having enough money? Find out!
Join me, your host Vangile Makwakwa, as I unpack the fear and the panic of not having enough and running out of money. In this episode I also provide practical tools on how you can step into your healing and start changing your relationship with money.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about;
[00:01] Introduction to the show
[02:06] Vangile in South Africa and her new feeling and pursuit
[03:42] Today’s topic: The fear of having enough and running out of money
[04:50] The fear of not having enough money
[06:35] Why it’s never about the amount of money you have
[09:19] The idea of masculinity versus the femininity way of attracting money
[13:25] God wounds, sensation and energy around not having money
[16:30] Resentment and rejection that come when we feel cheated around money
[17:08] What happens when we believe that money will run out
[18:17] Vangile experience in Florida when he was working on a cruise ship
[19:04] How our inner child picks up deep trauma from our family
[22:44] How to expand ourselves so we can have money constantly flowing into our account
[25:17] Steps to healing fears and thoughts that money will run out
[27:38] Mothering your inner child in a way that we wish we were mothered
[30:51] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
- Affirming that you have enough money without inner work doesn’t work
- Making more money is not the solution to not having enough money
- We don’t have to behave in the traditional masculine way to attract money
- Meditation is not about changing the image; it’s about being fully in our bodies
- When we believe that money will run out, we buy everything as fast as possible before money runs out.
- Repetition is what makes us believe in something very deeply
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vangilemakwakwa/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/wealthymoney1

Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Episode 65: The Fear of Spending and Losing Money
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
With a fear of money, it becomes impossible for us to think creatively and make decisions. The more scared we are of spending money, the more difficult it becomes to be rational about our spending. Most of us have no problem saving up money to achieve our goals, but we often become afraid of spending that money.
In today’s podcast I do a live class explaining why we feel unsafe when spending money and why spending money is important and how our money traumas have shaped our beliefs around money. When we feel safer spending, we're more anchored, less likely to feel scared, and make our finances worse. This is why it’s important to heal from past money traumas that have been holding us back.
Join the conversation with me, your host Vangile Makwakwa, as I share more about the fear of spending and losing money to provide you with tools to create a path to your financial freedom by taking all your fears off the table.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about;
[00:01] Introduction to the show
[02:03] India as a place where I battled with ego death
[03:51] Doing the inner work around money
[04:57] The vow of visibility and what it encompasses
[06:55] Vangile abandonment trauma experience at four years
[11:42] How trauma is formed and how it shapes our life memories and moment
[12:41] Why inner child trauma has everything to do with money
[14:01] Why your subconscious will always honor your vows to keep you safe
[16:26] Vangile acupuncture experience and why you cannot shortcut healing
[21:01] The fear around spending money and not losing money
[23:37] A resourceful blog post on; why making more money won’t heal your financial issues
[26:39] The opportunity cost around the fear of spending
[32:07] The downside of operating from a belief that money will run out
[36:53] How to join the Wealthy Money master class
[39:51] Ending the show and call to actions
Notable Quotes
- True financial freedom is when we can make money make money for us
- It’s very important to forgive ourselves for our financial mistakes
- You can only attract that which you are
- If you’re taking from money without replenishing it, it will eventually run out
- The more scared we are around money, the more impossible it becomes for us to think creatively about money.
- The most important thing is not to have money in our bank account; it’s to have money work for us.
- The safer you feel, the more anchored in emergencies and the less likely you’re to create debt.
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
In this week’s podcast, I share a live class I did in the #MoneyMagic student group when I went on a trip to see the pyramids at Teotihuacan in Mexico City, Mexico.
On the trip I learned a lot about the pyramids but the part of the tour that caught my attention was the Moon Temple and all the things the tour guide taught us about the link between the womb and the moon.
In this podcast I share what I learned about succession planning and how the pyramids were built over a period of 350 years and how I link that to generational wealth.
I also talk about how the moon influences our cycle as women, understanding our own unique intuition, how to use the cycles of the moon to manifest and create the life we deeply want and desire.
Join the conversation with me, your host Vangile Makwakwa as we talk about all things travel, womb and intuition.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about:
[00:01] Introduction to the show
[03:20] Struggling with jet lag and trying to adjust to time differences
[06:45] I am not an astrologist; I work with the womb and the body
[10:14] Understanding how to work with the spirit world and setting boundaries
[13:07] Cacao and mushroom ceremonies
[15:32] Our entire pyramid experience was around spiritual stuff
[20:28] Crafting a vision that will take 7 generations to materialize
[25:05] Sharing about succession planning
[29:25] The moon temple and the way Christianity erased the feminine in spirituality
[35:47] The importance of the God and the Goddess in spirituality
[37:35] Finding own unique moon cycle as a woman
[42:10] Bleeding with the new moon
[43:20] Bleeding with the full moon
[45:57] Manifesting with the moon
[49:50] Actions to take during the full moon
[54:50] Fasting in conjunction with the moon
[01:03:55] Episode wraps up and ends
Notable Quotes
- Everything is about intention, everything is about boundaries
- How do you craft a vision that will take 7 generations to materialize? How do you make sure that knowledge isn’t lost?
- Everything that every woman needs to know is that you have your own moon cycle, that is unique to you, that has nothing to do with ovulation and menstruation, but everything to do with your intuition
- The moon also affects our flow and how heavy the flow is
- Most women that bleed with the new moon, won’t bleed as much and they will bleed for a shorter time
- Women who bleed with the full moon will tend to bleed for a longer time period and may be heavier
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/

Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Episode 63: How to achieve your financial goals with EASE
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Financial goals can be challenging to achieve in today's world, and many people struggle with reaching their economic aspirations. This is especially when you lack clarity on what the idea of financial independence entails. Even if you know how to make the dream into a reality, it can be hard to set concrete and quantifiable goals without the right mindset, peacefulness, and tranquility. When you work with a peace-filled attitude, you get clarity and find a way to beat the challenges that come your way.
Join the conversation with your host Vangile Makwakwa as she shares a new simple way of achieving your money goals with less pain, even if it is difficult. This is what she calls ‘achieving with Ease.’
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about;
[00:01] Introduction to the show
[04:00] Today’s focus; EASE
[06:20] My definition of the word ‘Ease.’
[09:00] Explaining ‘Ease’ with the analogy of getting a PhD
[11:14] Ease does not mean something is easy to do
[15:42] Financial expansion versus saving money
[18:52] One of the five different money profiles; Money Dieter
[22:26] How to expand your money with ease
[27:21] Choosing a business model that resonates with your ease of alignment
[31:47] How to market your business using the theory of a thousand fans
[36:39] What hinders most people from choosing the Ease
[38:20] Why you should join the Money Magic Course and what to expect
[45:00] Episode wrap up and ending the show
Notable Quotes
- Something hard can be established with ease.
- Just because it’s not easy does not mean it’s the wrong way.
- Ease is a feeling that comes from within.
- The world is what you believe it to be, and it changes as you change
- There are many ways to reach your destination, but choose the one that feels in alignment with you.
- Everything changes because we change from within.
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vangilemakwakwa/

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Episode 62: Money Panic Manifestations: How to Recognize, Understand and Break Free
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Panic manifestations are common symptoms of money anxiety. It is a sudden, overwhelming feeling that one is not coping with their finances and that something terrible will happen in the near future. Panic manifestations can lead to chronic stress, which can cause physical and mental health problems. They may also lead to financial distress or even suicidal thoughts. A specific event or situation often triggers these manifestations, but they may also occur without warning in times of high stress or when people make poor financial decisions.
Join the conversation with me, Vangile Makwakwa as I share more about money panic manifestations and how they affect our financial, mental, and physical beings. We’ll also talk about how you can break free from the money panic cycle and regain control over your finances.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about:
[00:01] Introduction to the show
[03:18] Recap of the last episode; Panic manifestations
[06:19] How her encounters with money panic came about
[07:27] Vangile’s pivotal point about money
[08:33] Effects of desperation and money- anxiety on our bodies
[11:00] How to avoid panic and despair in money manifestation
[14:37] How to make the money you need
[17:05] In panic mode, it’s hard to live with our bank accounts
[20:29] Running away from money when in panic mode
[24:01] Overcoming emotions that are associated with money
[26:12] Why we engage in panic manifestation
[28:55] How you can break free from panic manifestations
[30:03] Want to hear about a fantastic gift I recently received?
[35:16] Ending the show and call to actions
Notable Quotes
- The impact and stress that desperation adds to our bodies are not healthy.
- Worrying about where you’ll get money isn’t just anxiety-inducing but also does not help us physically.
- Craziness is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.
- There’s no such thing as being ready. The longer you wait for the right time, the more things worsen.
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
LinkedIn: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/
Instagram: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vangilemakwakwa/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/wealthymoney?_rdc=1&_rdr
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7FpYMC6JyRq-2pFwrcMqcg

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Episode 61: The link between the mother wound, the sibling wound and money
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
This podcast is a live class I did on Facebook, talking about the sibling wound and how it can play out within families and how that then affects finances.
Sibling rivalry is a natural phenomenon that happens in many families, especially when children take on a deputy parenting role. Deputy parent siblings are those children who take on the "parent" role in their family when one parent is absent from the home or if there is only one parent in the home. This can lead to sibling codependency where they can depend on the breadwinner sibling for both financial and emotional support which can create resentment, tension, and rivalry when the relationship changes.
In this podcast I look at the vow of loyalty in families and how the family dynamics are altered by a child playing a parent role.
Most of us didn’t have a perfect childhood. Learn how to spot your vows of loyalty and mother wounds, do the healing work, and put things right on the ancestral plane.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about:
[00:01] Introduction into the show
[02:45] Today’s topic; Mother wounds, sibling wound, and rivalry
[07:14] Vangile personal experience with her mom and sibling
[15:21] Where tension and the resentment between siblings originates
[26:00] What happens to the breadwinner siblings' inner child
[28:14] Experimenting and taking risks to grow financially
[34:12] Sibling with parenting role challenges and resentments
[38:49] Siblings' co-dependence and money wounds
[43:14] Vow of loyalty between children and parents
[50:32] Two types of meditation to release vows of meditation
[52:13] Mother wounds and how to spot subtle mother wounds
[58:53] How mother wounds lead to sibling rivalry
[01:05:26] Money magic healing works for vows of loyalty and mother wounds
[01:09:52] How to sign in for the money magic healing course
[01:12:58] Ending the show and call to actions
Notable Quotes
- Most breadwinner siblings didn’t get to be a child, and the idea of playing and having fun even around money is always foreign.
- A huge way to grow and stand financially is taking some risks.
- Children need parenting; children cannot raise children.
- Mother wounds are not only from abusive mothers; we can have them simply because we didn't receive parenting from our mothers
- Vows can feel like Stockholm syndrome.
- The mother wound can give rise to the sibling wound, which can lead to deep sibling rivalry in a family.
- Healing is making things right on the ancestral plane
- Perfectionism comes from a not good enough wounding
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
LinkedIn: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/
Instagram: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vangilemakwakwa/

Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Episode 60: Surrendering to your inner voice & becoming debt free
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
In today’s podcast episode I share a live class I did a while back on the importance of knowing what you want.
I did this live class before the pandemic and shared some of my experiences about Vietnam and Chiang Mai.
Being free from debt doesn't mean that you're financially free, but it's a step in the right direction. The key to being financially free is taking the time to really think about what you want and then creating a plan that will help you achieve it. Be vulnerable enough with yourself to know your true desires, and don’t be afraid of doing the numbers or even asking the universe or your higher power for what you want. It will provide you with opportunities to help you make your desires a reality.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about:
[02:02] Introduction into the show
[02:02] Vangile intuition to go to Chiang Mai from Vietnam
[08:53] Meeting with Keidra and how this solved their retreat puzzle
[09:47] How going to Chiang Mai helped Vangile figure out how to negotiate her deals
[11:42] Listening to your inner voice and surrendering to it
[14:44] Personal finance; doing the numbers
[16:10] Being financially free and financing your dream life
[19:34] Creating a concrete plan and taking control of your finances
[21:54] Weekly goal setting worksheets; run the numbers
[23:38] Be vulnerable enough with yourself to know what you want
[24:00] Ending the show and call to actions
Notable Quotes
- Personal finance is very holistic, and we take a holistic approach to it.
- Being debt-free doesn't mean being financially free
- Being financially free means that even when you don't work, you’re still making an income
- There are so many ways for you to reach your goals, but you can't reach a goal that you don't know you are trying to reach
- Knowing what you want is the first step to asking for more and doing the practical side of things.
Let’s Connect
Vangile Makwakwa
Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic
LinkedIn: https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/
Instagram: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vangilemakwakwa/