Welcome to the Money Magic Podcast with Vangile Makwakwa, this is the podcast where we talk about trauma and how it affects our finances and our lives. The intention with this podcast is to provide you with weekly episodes that help you understand the importance of healing and help you understand your relationship with money better so you can start making different financial decisions and creating a life you love for yourself and future generations.

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Episode 30: The link between healthy childhood attachments & receiving money
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
This week I talk to Neo Nare to discuss the inspiration behind her podcast and Genie Coach services.
Neo’s background as an advanced psychiatric nurse practitioner set her up with the tools to help little Genies (children between 4-10 years old) form healthy and happy attachments.
Having already been an advocate for mental health, with a deep love for children, Neo sought to bridge the gap between the two.
She noticed parents often treated children like a homogenous entity, rather than tending to them like the unique individual souls that they are.
Coupled with that was the issue of managing environments around children and finding ways to improve that through separate adult support systems.
Neo credits the #MoneyMagic course as the catalyst for taking that leap of faith and starting Genie coach.
She confesses to the underlying toxic nature of hustle culture and how it disapproves of those who are not constantly on the go.
It was through the Money Magic course where she released herself and showed up for money so that money could show up for her.
In this podcast, she shares the importance of forming healthy attachments in childhood and how that can affect our relationship with money.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did recording it.
Click play and leave me a comment in the comments section below.
Listen/ Download on: iTunes, Podbean and Spotify
[00:00] The link between healthy childhood attachments & receiving money
[02:26] Introduction to Neo Nare
[03:18] What do you do
[04:57] Inspiration to be a genie coach
[09:20] Genie coaching services
[11:17] Helping children form healthy attachments
[17:17] Recognizing that children are their own unique souls
[19:33] What does money mean to you?
[23:01] Blocks in money trauma currents
[29:07] Giving money the opportunity to come find you
[30:29] Increasing savings by doing more than budgeting
[35:41] Perpetuating generational trauma
[36:31] Expectations of the Money Magic course
[39:11] Mistakes that people make with healing money trauma
[43:00] Students resonating with the course rather than being forced to join
[45:25] How your definition of trauma started to change
[47:45] Anything can be a trauma
[49:28] Every feeling is valid because trauma is subjective
[50:23] Shifts in feelings about money
[54:14] Income and debt shifts since being in Money Magic course
[57:40] When we show up for money, money shows up for us
Contact Neo
- The Genie Coach Podcast: https://neonare.podbean.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neo.nare.31
- Genie Coach Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/The-GenieCoach-110580277787080
If you enjoyed the podcast and were inspired by Neo’s story in how she has changed her relationship with money, then I want to invite you to check out and register for the #MoneyMagic course.
The magic is in the healing.
In this course, I help women of colour create a consistent stream of income of R40,000/US$2,500 or more per month with ease. You can enroll or get on the waiting list for the course at this link: wealthy-money.com/moneymagic

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Episode 29: Releasing the fear that money will run out
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
This week on Money Magic Podcast, I welcome Paballo Rampa or Pabi as some may know her.
Pabi is a best-selling author, property investor, content marketer and will also be launching her very own podcast soon.
Growing up, Pabi’s relationship between her and money falls under the umbrella of fear; fear of spending it, fear of losing it, and treating it as a limited resource.
She attributes her fear directly to her childhood, and as an adult, she allowed this emotion to take away pleasure’s life has to offer.
She also shares how before joining the #MoneyMagic course, she would constantly talk herself out of buying nice things, like a purse that may have cost “too” much money.
This would directly affect her self-worth since, at the subconscious level, meant she was not worthy of nice things.
Since doing the #MoneyMagic course, Pabi’s confidence with money has increased drastically - she now finds herself with much less debt, has increased prices without feeling any form of guilt, and if there was a client who isn’t happy with the price, she feels confident walking away and finding someone who will pay her what she is charging.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did recording it.
Click play and leave me a comment in the comments section below.
Listen/ Download on: iTunes, Podbean and Spotify
[00:56] Intro to Paballo
[02:51] What does money mean to you?
[04:26] Suspecting issues with money
[09:28] What you wish you knew before starting the money journey
[12:36] When do you enjoy your money?
[13:54] Business strategies and scaling a business
[16:28] Applying two simple strategies
[20:01] Procrastinating
[21:51] The shift in relationships
[31:54] Watching a shift in your income
[39:31] Increase in business and clients
[49:00] Going after what we want in life
[46:41] No money issues, but emotional issues
[48:11] Confronting rejection
[50:01] If you don’t ask, you won’t get
[52:55] Expanding past trauma
[54:14] Three lessons learned from the course

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Episode 28: The relationship between food, the body and trauma
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
In this week’s episode on the Money Magic Podcast, I talk to Lungile Ngubane, she is a fitness trainer, coach, and accountability partner.
Lungi works with the body while focusing on the feminine cycle to excel in the fitness journey.
In this episode, Vangile and Lungi discuss the relationship we have as women with our bodies and with food.
Lungi offers perspective on the image of our bodies, specifically when it comes to our cycle and how comparing ourselves to other women is often reprimanding.
Lungi also explains to us the importance of keeping a happy relationship with food – she shares an anecdote of a time when she believed carbs were the enemy and describes how that affected her body.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did recording it.
Click play and leave me a comment in the comments section below.
Listen/ Download on iTunes, Podbean and Spotify

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Episode 27: How to Plan for your Financial Future for the Long Run
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic series, I invited my financial advisor, Chenine Gouws, to sit down and have a conversation with us about planning for our financial future.
I started working with Chenine about 8 years ago when I was still in debt and working on paying off US$60,000 in debt. When I met her, I had very little savings and hadn’t even started my investment journey.
Because I was so focused on paying off debt, I could only invest R200 (about US$15) per month in unit trusts and about R500 (US$35) a month into my retirement annuity, it wasn’t much and honestly but that was the start of my personal finance journey.
Over time my I have more than 10X’ed my investments and in the process, I’ve learned a lot from Chenine and from my own journey.
So in today’s episode, she answers some really great questions:
Should you focus on saving and investing or paying off debt?
How do you plan for your financial future in the long run?
Is there an investment or a plan people can put in place for unemployment if there is a sudden downturn?
What is the difference between life insurance and funeral policies?
How to write a will and why you need a will
If this resonated with you and you are done working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work, then I invite you to check out and register for the Money Magic course.
Click here to register/ sign up for the wait list for the Money Magic Course.
You can also download the free eBook here: weathy-money.com/workbook

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Episode 26: How to pay off R360,000 (US$23,253) Debt in 4 Months
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic series, I sit down to chat with one of my private clients, Phumla Ngema about paying off all her debt in 4 months.
Phumla is South African, but she lives and works as a paramedic in Abu Dhabi, the UAE.
In this episode she shares how she started working at 17 and started supporting her family when she was making R250 (less than US$20) a month because growing up she'd seen her mom support 30 people on her teacher’s salary, so she just followed in her mom’s footsteps.
She shares how she first suspected that her relationship with money was about more than just money and budgeting when she was working in the military and was paid R400,000 (US$25,800) lump sum for being stationed outside South Africa.
She tried to save the money but ended up using it all up, despite her best efforts. When this happened again to her when she got a R300,000 lumpsum, she realized there was more to money than what she thought.
She started following Instagram coaches and along the way bumped into the work I teach at Wealthy Money; she downloaded the free eBook and started doing the exercises, signed up for the Bank Account Challenge at the beginning of 2020 and in May 2020 became a private client.
In this interview she shares her journey to being debt-free and how she managed to pay off R360,000 in debt in the space of 4 months and how as she started to heal her own trauma she was able to set financial boundaries with her family and how that has led to incredible financial shifts for her siblings, cousins and her mom.
Her mom has even bought herself her own dream car, her brother and cousins got jobs, all within 4 months!
This is another awesome episode, that reminds us that when we heal our money trauma and change our approach to money within our family from a non-wounded space (because sometimes we do make changes but we do it from a wounded space that does more damage than good), everyone gets permission to expand.
If this resonated with you and you are done working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work, then I invite you to check out and register for the Money Magic course.
Click here to register/ sign up for the wait list for the Money Magic Course.
You can also download the free eBook here: weathy-money.com/workbook

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Why do we sabotage good things (relationships, money, love etc.) when we have them?
Why do we suddenly act crazy when we finally attract that amazing partner, we’ve been waiting for all these years?
Why do we sometimes choose the abusive partner over the sweet generous partner?
Why do we get rid of money as soon as we have it?
Why do we blow through our budget even when we’ve made a decision to do better and have every intention to do so?
Why is it that some people can manifest more money and thrive, whilst others are destroyed by having more money?
My guest for the #MoneyMagic series this week is Marilu Gabba, one of my friends and also my relationship coach. Marilu is a trauma-informed Sex, Love and Relationship coach, so you already know this is going to be a juicy interview.
I invited her onto this show because I wanted to talk about receiving and how trauma can stop and/or sabotage us from receiving and holding onto the money, love and pleasure we want and desire.
It’s possible to ask for money, great love and pleasure and all that good stuff, and have the universe give us all these things, but not be able to hold these things and to actually be destroyed by these things.
Why does this happen?
Because receiving more than we are used to receiving can feel unsafe to our nervous systems and can overwhelm our system.
We all have a receiving setpoint (or what Gay Hendricks calls an upper limit) - where we learned from a very young age that there’s only so much money, love, pleasure etc. we can handle and when we go beyond this set point, our nervous systems register danger and go into survival mode.
Our set points are linked to trauma and understanding this link is key to help us start healing and creating the life we want, this is what we will be discussing today.
This is another life-changing episode - grab your cup of tea and your journal and dig in, you are in for a treat.
If this resonated with you and you are done working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work, then I invite you to check out and register for the Money Magic course.
Click here to register/ sign up for the wait list for the Money Magic Course.
You can also download the free eBook here: weathy-money.com/workbook

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
My guest for the #MoneyMagic series this week is Lungile Ngubane, who is a Money Magic student and my fitness trainer.
In this episode, she talks to us about how she launched her fitness business during Covid, when I was running the #IncomeChallenge in the #MoneyMagic course and working with students to create an extra stream of income that makes R40,000/US$2,500 per month.
In this interview, Lungi shares with us how she used her own experience of personal fitness and connecting and continuously healing her womb, to create a personal fitness business that teaches women to work out in accordance with their cycles and how this actually leads to better and faster results (trust me, I am a walking testimonial).
We talk about how understanding our cycles as women, can also help us build thriving businesses because it helps us understand what work to do when, which actually makes us more productive, these are all things we explore in #WombWednesday in the #MoneyMagic course.
Lungi explains how she used her understanding of her cycle, the vow of invisibility work, the #BankAccountChallenge and some of the other lessons we cover in the course to start building a profitable fitness business that creates a consistent stream of income.
This is another one of those mind-blowing interviews that will change the way you do work and see money.
If this resonated with you and you are done working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work, then I invite you to check out and register for the Money Magic course.
Click here to register/ sign up for the wait list for the Money Magic Course.
You can also download the free eBook here: weathy-money.com/workbook

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
How do you create generational wealth by investing in the stock market?
Can you create a consistent cash flow by investing in shares?
My guest for the #MoneyMagic series interview this week is one of my friends, Vongani (Vonks) Nkuna who has launched Public and Proper, an investment company that aims to help South Africans create generational wealth by investing in trillion-dollar stock markets around the world.
Vonks refers to himself as an investment enthusiast; he studied copywriting at Red&Yellow in Cape Town but was always interested in investing and making money as an investor, so he did most of his school projects on investment companies.
When he got out of school he went to work for his dad, who was in the petroleum industry and learned about the commodities market, which took him back to the share market.
He then started an investment company - Nkuna Equity, where he started experimenting with his investment ideas and saw that they worked and he was generating a consistent cash flow from following a value investing strategy and investing in dividend-paying shares.
Now he is replicating this success on a larger scale, whilst also helping others build a successful investment portfolio with a consistent cash flow, which is why he launched Public and Proper.
[Full disclosure: I am one of the Directors of Public and Proper.]
Public and Proper, is looking to raise R50 million (US$3.3 million) in 2021. Anyone in the general public will be able to buy shares, the minimum buy-in will start at R1000 (US$64). Yep, you only need R1000, to be a shareholder.
Shareholders will own part of Public and Proper, which is as a company will go out and acquire underpriced shares of stable companies in different parts of the world.
We will focus on investing in retail companies that pay a dividend. The company’s focus is on acquiring great shares that it can hold onto for the long term and on creating a cash cow so that shareholders get a payout twice a year.
As a shareholder, you get to own the company, so you make money from the appreciation of the share price and you also get cash flow. You can live off the cash flow and leave the shares to your descendants when you pass on.
If you’re interested in investing, learning more about the stock market and/or just learning how shares and dividends work, then this is the episode for you.
Vonks does a really great job of unpacking investing and the stock market for us. You are in for a treat.
If this resonated with you and you are done working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work, then I invite you to check out and register for the Money Magic course.
Click here to register/ sign up for the wait list for the Money Magic Course.
You can also download the free eBook here: weathy-money.com/workbook

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Episode 22: Healing Trauma in Order to Build a Profitable Coaching Business
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
My guest for the #MoneyMagic series interview this week is Teencoach Nomveliso Mbanga. Nomveliso is the founder of Mayine Development Institute, a company that takes an African centered approach to coaching, human development and personal growth.
Nomveliso is a teen expert and focuses on Teen and Family dynamics coaching, she is also one of the oldest #MoneyMagic students and is one of the reasons this course continues to exist.
This episode is a must listen to.
I can't even process and share what she shares because it’s soo deep; we talk about going 5 or 6 generations back in the healing work in order to understand our family lineage and how this can help us understand how money comes to us as a family.
And how understanding your womb journey (who you were in the womb and how did you behave at that stage?) can unlock a lot in this lifetime.
Both Nomveliso and I share how understanding our ancestral lineage helped us understand the kind of businesses we could thrive in.
Nomveliso discusses family dynamics and trauma for the African child.
And of course, we discuss the #MoneyMagic course and how she has used the information in the course to build a profitable coaching business.
If this resonated with you and you are done working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work, then I invite you to check out and register for the Money Magic course.
Click here to register/ sign up for the wait list for the Money Magic Course.
You can also download the free eBook here: weathy-money.com/workbook

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
In this week’s episode, I talk to Yanga Stuurman, social entrepreneur, Mining and Geology consultant and coach.
Yanga helps professional women of color feel seen, achieve balance and rest so they can tap into their own magic and limitlessness.
Yanga contacted me earlier this year after hearing me talk about the panic attacks I used to have whenever I withdrew money from an ATM; she explained that her issue was invoicing people and spending money as soon as it came into her bank account.
She soon became a private coaching client and as with all my coaching clients, I also enrolled her in the #MoneyMagic course.
In this interview she shares her story of childhood abuse (physical, mental and emotional) and how that led to her not feeling good enough and how that kept her from feeling and undercharging and just not being able to make money, despite her qualifications.
She shares how this wound affected her nervous system and how she had digestive issues most of her life until we started working together and started healing her trauma at a nervous system level.
We were actually laughing about how she managed to change her finances without ever looking at a spreadsheet and just doing the inner work and regulating her nervous system and going into the dark spaces.
It’s been almost 6 months since Yanga started coaching with me and doing the #MoneyMagic course and since then, she’s:
✔️Tripled her income
✔️Invested in a life-changing investment opportunity
✔️Able to keep money in her bank account
✔️Healed her digestive system
This is another interview you don't want to miss, get your pen and journal, your cup of tea and click play on the video below and when you've reflected, please leave us a note in the comments section below.
If this resonated with you, and you are done working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work, then I invite you to check out and register for the Money Magic course.
Click here to register/ sign up for the wait list for the Money Magic Course.
You can also download the free eBook here: weathy-money.com/workbook